Our Community Supper is temporarily suspended until FURTHER NOTICE.

In partnership with local nonprofit organizations, Robert’s holds an affordable, weekly meal to donate proceeds and give back to the Maine community. For only $16, we offer a three-course menu with the same standard and quality of our regular fare.

Apply to become a community supper charity by clicking here. For nonprofits interested in participating please call Robert’s at 207-439-0300 or email us at info@robertsmainegrill.com.

Nonprofit organizations that have participated in Community Supper include:

SAGE Maine
Safe Haven Animal Shelter
NH Theater Project
Kittery Land Trust
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of NH
Pro Portsmouth
Child Advocacy Center
Granite State Choral Society
Traip Academy Project Grad 2017
Families 1st
Hospice Help Foundation
Chase Home
Rice Library
New Generations
South Berwick Choral Society
Team Trevor
William Fogg Library
William Fogg Library
Annie’s Angels
Children’s Museum of NH
Waldorf School
Canine Community Corps Fund
Cross Roads
Seacoast Family Food Pantry
Kids Five & Over
Fuel & More